Saturday, August 16, 2008

Paint it black ( or... rather white, in our case )

We've started painting our house white. Inside first, if it doesn't sell we might consider the outside too. And man is it different ! We should have painted the rooms earlier , but I guess we got used to the dark wooden ceilings and walls.
The hall is already painted, 4 layers done, but it's very white. Funny how the rooms look bigger when they are white. We're now painting the living room area which used to be part of the hall before. Painting it white will 'pull' it to the main livingroom, and after the first layer, things already look so much better.

So, for the next few days ( weeks ?... ) we'll be painting. Keeps the mind off the visa wait too.


Unknown said...

nice that painting, maybe you will like the house so much that you dont wanna sell it anymore....:)


Lex said...

I do like the house very much.
I just hate dutch people.

Anonymous said...

hmmm....lex that is very hard, because i am dutch....but i hope some people are good dutch people??

Lex said...

I should have said :

I hate the typical dutch person.
which excludes the few friends that we do have in The Netherlands :)

Anonymous said...

thanks...hahaha. I would expect this from you, i have to plan some Karting maybe a nice karting trip to Schumacher in Germany?? of closer by??
talk to you later for this appointment.