Friday, August 8, 2008

Our visa is still not filed

After sending about 8 mails to DIAC ( the government agency responsible for immigration services ) I have gotten the answer. Apparently, our digital application was too big for the system to be processed normally, and thus it hung in the system database. I asked them if they could fix it, and they said the only solution was to convert it to a paper application. Needless to say that we agreed as long as they provided all the paperwork. In short : We still have not filed our Visa now.


章朝隆 said...

sounds like the online app is pretty unstable...

i'm wondering how it goes. do you scan and upload all the docs? how about notarization?

Lex said...


Well, I can still upload the docs using email, but not using the e-visa system. Basically the email system works the same but you don't get the delivery receipt. I am now putting all the scans in folders and I will zip all the folders one by one and email it to the DIAC. Then I will send all the pictures UNZIPPED once again all by email to the DIAC.
I hope they receive the files ok.

章朝隆 said...

your scans are so huge that it got stuck in the system?

how big is big really? so i can avoid scanning them that big ;-)

Lex said...

No I didn't even upload anything. It got stuck right after the Visa payment, but before I uploaded the docs needed.

I think the problem was that I had LOADS of diploma's ( about 25 ) which maybe was too big. There was room for them all , I just kept adding them , but I think it caused a problem in the system.

Lex said...

My scans are about 40 megabytes zipped by the way. 150 DPI, full color.
That's the minimum my scanner can scan into ( 75 DPI isn't high enough setting, the next setting is 150 DPI ).
I think the legal minimum DPI is 92DPI or something alike. So I just took the safe side and 150DPi. The color is an absolute must, otherwise I have to have them all certified.