Friday, March 21, 2008

We made the decision to go to Australia

We decided to go to Australia today. Well, that's not entirely correct. We have been in the process of deciding for weeks already, but I have now personally made up my mind and have started doing research on what is needed for our migration to Australia. We agreed that I would spend more time preparing our migration to Australia and less time working. In August 2008 I will officially be unemployed because my employer Solectron has been acquired by Flextronics. Flextronics doesn't need the old Solectron people, so we're laid off. Basically, I now have time to spend all my time preparing our future lives in Australia instead of worrying about why we ( read : my employers ) don't buy new servers or replace breaking network infrastructure, or why the toilet paper's quality has gone from 'soft' to 'sandpaper'.
We have already done the points test and we have 140 points ! That's 20 points more than is needed for a Skilled Independant Migration Visa, which is the visa we really want.

Australia : Here we come !