Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fire !!

Yesterday while sitting behind our computer at 22:00 we suddenly heard a very loud banging on our front door. It was so loud and hectic that we ran to the door knowing something was amiss. We saw the flashlights through the small side-door window and knew right away this was either the police or the fire department and that something bad was happening. First thought : The neighbors house is on fire : Poor them.
When I opened the door I saw a fire hose rolled out on our lawn and 2 firemen telling us that our house was on fire ! Blue flashlights from the huge firetruck completed the dreaded scene and of course all the neighbors were out to come and see what this noise was all about. Quite shaken we ran upstairs to check the fire out, and what have you : No fire at all ! We came downstairs and told the fireman that there was no fire at all. He replied that this has happened a few times in the last few days and they would go after the prank caller. What a night !

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