Wednesday, July 1, 2009

We're leaving in September 2009 !

Well... we booked our flights ! That's right, we're leaving in September 2009. 10 weeks ! We have no idea what's in store for us in Australia but we really needed change, and we're quite certain that almost everything is going to be different. It you think it's hard to imagine a Chrismas without snow, imagine a Chrismas with a BBQ and searing heat ! They even drive on the wrong side of the road over there ( although we might say the same about Europe in a few years ). Lately the question we get asked most is "Will you miss anything from The Netherlands and what will it be ?". It's tough to answer a question like that, because at this moment we have no clue : We've never been in Australia. I'll be sure to keep the blog updated with the answer in a year or two. It might be nice to review my opinion in a few years, so here it goes , the top 5 things I will miss from The Netherlands :

- Social security ( unemployment benefits and health care mainly )
- Stable internet and electricity
- Cold, snowy Chrismas
- Calve Pindakaas ( The *BEST* peanutbutter in the world, for sure )
- Frikandellen en Kroketten en Bitterballen ( Dutch "specialities" )

In a few years I'll update this list with the real things I miss and it will probably look completely different !

1 comment:

Palace Fan thats a NEW Dad said...

Good luck, I'm just going through the ACS at the moment and fingers crossed will hear very soon if the dream is alive or is off.